La visioconférence

Microsoft Azure

Working from anywhere on any medium is possible with Azure.

Outsource your servers to the cloud with Microsoft Azure

Entrust the management of your servers to the Azure Cloud. Benefit from a flexible cloud infrastructure, adjusted in real time to your IT resource requirements, while keeping your costs under control.

Reduce and control your infrastructure costs.

Easily adapt your resources to your needs.

Access your files and applications from anywhere.

Benefit from a secure environment.

Take advantage of expert guidance.

Bénéfices - Azure

Microsoft Azure IaaS in a few figures

79 %

of organisations used the cloud to store IoT data in 2023.


of businesses will be using at least one cloud service in 2023.


revenue growth has been forecast for the IaaS market in 2022.

Apo'g, the partner for your Azure migration

Here are the Microsoft Azure services we offer at Apo’g :

Audit of your infrastructure and advice.

Validation of role outsourcing.

Definition of outsourcing phases.

Regular monitoring and operational testing.

Transferring skills to your teams.

Bénéfices migration Azure
Microsoft, the only player in the market with 30 years' experience serving businesses, has successfully made the move to the Cloud.
Azure, the custom cloud for small and medium businesses.
Powered by Microsoft!

The benefits of the Azure solution

Here are the direct benefits of migrating your data to Microsoft Azure :

The best in security.

Scalable in a few clicks.

Worldwide coverage.

A 99.9% ALS.

Pay-per-use billing.

Outils hébergés sur Azure

Our customers enjoy a personalized Microsoft 365 experience!

For over 20 years, we’ve been helping small businesses and SMEs to implement their Microsoft 365 projects!

Any questions?

Would you like advice on how to optimize your use of Microsoft Azure? Or you just have a question…

An Apo’g expert will quickly contact you.

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Une question ?

Vous souhaitez être conseillé pour migrer votre infrastructure informatique dans Microsoft Azure ? N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour toute question ou besoin de conseil. Un expert Apo’g vous répondra dans les 24 heures.

Our latest resources on Microsoft Azure cloud

Explore new IT trends with our tips for your Microsoft Azure environment.
Discover how to choose your Microsoft 365 licenses! Click on the window to learn more!