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Our eco-friendly guides

Download our practical guides for free and learn how to use your IT equipment responsibly.

The IT Library for Ecological Transition

Videoconferencing, VoIP telephony, laptops or desktops, server virtualization, digitization: download our practical guides for free.

IT hardware: desktop or laptop?

VoIP telephony, greener communication ?

Server virtualisation, an environmentally-friendly way to store?

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Any questions?

Your ideas and suggestions are welcome to help us improve our practices and contribute to saving the planet. An Apo’g expert will get back to you within 24 hours.

Our articles on sustainable IT

Discover our latest research on improving practices and contributing to environmental preservation.
Copilot pour Microsoft 365 - Brainstorming

Explorez comment l’IA de Copilot pour Microsoft 365 améliore la productivité pour des milliers de TPE et PME.

Discover how to choose your Microsoft 365 licenses! Click on the window to learn more!