Our Sage services

To be accompanied by a certified partner is to adapt your management software to your business, not the other way around.

Our Sage services

Your daily partner in the use of Sage 100 products.


Our teams meet with you to identify the real needs of your users. Together we validate a set of specifications.


Once the needs are well understood, we proceed with the installation, parameterisation and recovery of historical data.


The adoption of new tools by users is at the heart of our business and of our Qualiopi certified training courses.


Our technicians ensure a personalized and reactive follow-up in your daily use of the Sage 100 software.

Les logiciels de gestion en quelques chiffres


des PME utilisent des logiciels de gestion d’entreprise intégrés.


des TPE / PME ayant adopté Sage ont amélioré leur productivité.


logiciel de facturation électronique obligatoire pour toutes les entreprises.

Your data is safe with us!

For over 20 years, we’ve been helping businesses to strengthen the security of their data, while keeping their IT simple!

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Un expert Apo’g vous répondra dans les 24 heures.

Our latest articles on Sage 100 services

Discover our news about the latest developments around Sage 100 in business: Sales Management, Accounting, Treasury, Payroll and HR.
Copilot pour Microsoft 365 - Brainstorming

Explorez comment l’IA de Copilot pour Microsoft 365 améliore la productivité pour des milliers de TPE et PME.

Discover how to choose your Microsoft 365 licenses! Click on the window to learn more!